Division for Quantum Technologies
The AANL Division for Quantum Technologies was established in 2022. The division members are engaged in theoretical calculations of quantum technologies. Their research findings are published in popular scientific journals.
Since its establishment, the division has built a new model of quantum computers, which uses only quantum parallelism among the quantum properties. The division members study the quantum and classical one-dimensional Ising model, phases and phase transitions, the SSH topological network model in the presence of PT-symmetric potential.
Since its establishment, the Division has executed the following
A new model of quantum computers has been developed, which uses only quantum parallelism among the quantum properties,
The quantum and classical one-dimensional Ising model, their phases and phase transitions were studied,
The SSH topological network model in the presence of PT-symmetric potential was observed,
The Division members have participated in the experimental study of hybrid quantum systems, which included a superconducting circuit and laser-excited atoms. The goal was the optimal radiation transfer between the microwave and optical domains to realize the quantum internet with quantum computers,
Impact of magnetic field on classical equilibrium charges and their thermostat was defined,
The best text compression model has been worked out,
Study of relationship between accumulated and dissipated energies and differences in physical systems, based on the model, was realized,
The concept of thermodynamic selection was introduced and investigated,
An effective, undirected method for filtering text keywords was developed,
A general technique for generation of noise in quantum optics was uncovered introducing the way to overcome it.
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