• Sargis Hayotsyan
    • Position - Chairman of the board of trustees, chairman of the RA MESCS Higher Education and Science Committee
    • Academic degree - Candidate of chemical sciences
    • E-Mail - sargis.hayotsyan@escs.am
  • Ruben Mkrtchyan
    • Position - AANL leading scientist
    • Academic degree - Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics
    • E-Mail - r.mkrtchyan@aanl.am
  • Khachatur Nerkararyan
    • Position - Director of YSU Institute of Physics
    • Academic degree - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor
    • E-Mail - knerkar@ysu.am
  • Samvel Karabekyan
    • Position - Responsible for scientific staff training programs of the RA NAS Development Programs and Monitoring Department
    • Academic degree - Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor
    • E-Mail - samvel.karabekyan@gmail.com
  • Aram Papoyan
    • Position - Director of the Institute of Physical Research of the National Academy of Sciences of the RA
    • Academic degree - Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, professor
    • E-Mail - aram.papoyan@gmail.com
  • Rafael Barkudaryan
    • Position - YSU Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs
    • Academic degree - Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics
    • E-Mail - barkhudaryan@ysu.am
  • Hrachya Marukyan
    • Position - Head of the Department of Experimental Physics at AANL
    • Academic degree - Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics
    • E-Mail - maruk@yerphi.am
  • Roza Avetisyan
    • Position - Secretary of the board of trustees
    • E-Mail - rave@yerphi.am