Applied physics research division

The Applied Physics Research Division conducts research in the field of materials science. One of the target directions of the Division is the study of the impact of radiation (electron, proton beams) on physical, optical and biological properties of matter. Large-scale research is done using materials with a forbidden band width and highlighting their practical significance (scintillation, dosimeters and fluorescent tubes, materials for nuclear energy).

Among the prospective research directions are:

The Division runs experiments using energy-distributed X-ray fluorescence analyser, LUMEN equipment, oscillating wire technologies and vacuum equipment. Research findings are published in high-ranking international journals.



In 2019 in cooperation with the University of Notre Dame and the National Research University “High School of Economics”, the Division held an International Conference themed “Nuclear and Radiation Physics and Materials” in Yerevan. Seventy-five researchers from more than 5 countries attended the conference.

Education and career opportunities

Students and young researchers can apply to the Division to participate in PhD programs, and to conduct research at JINR, "Frank Neutron Physics Laboratory" (Dubna), the University of Notre Dame (USA), National Research University "Higher School of Economics" and at other partner institutions. Bachelor's, Master's and first-year PhD students can actively participate in annual "Summer Student Program" in Dubna, deepening their knowledge in radiation physics, neutron physics, theoretical physics, condensed matter physics and in other specialties.

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